- tester
- writing documents
- programmer
- 41 years old
- Czech technical university in Prague
- knowledge:
- MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle
- SQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Delphi, Flash
- Java, C, PL/SQL, UML
- MS Office, OpenOffice, Latex, Corel, Photoshop, Microstation, AutoCAD…
- MS Windows administration, FreeBSD, MS DOS
- Sun Solaris, HP UX, Linux, VMS, Novell
- management of HTTP server Apache, database server MySQL, PostgreSQL
- management of FTP server under MS Windows
mehr Mitglieder
Burghard Wittekopf
Kommunikation und Marketing
Thorsten Wittekopf
Geschäftsführung und Programmierung